salam . lame sudah tidak menjenggah ini blogg . malam niey rase rajin laa pulak.heee. mau story pe eh .
pepagi cam biase laa aku bangun pkul 11.00 pagi . aduh !! terok btol laa . bukan salah aku eh bngun lambat . semalam ade hal .
hahahah . banyak laa kau pnye hal farah . hehehe . ptang sabtu niey ku mlekan projek bersame mak aku . korang nk tau pe . ktorang anak beranak sedang membuat eksperiment rambut . eceh !! umm ktowng warne kan rambut . heee . bole laa . ayah aku tengah tdo . so diep tdo ktowang buadd laa projek sambil tengok cte HINDUSTAN* tangkap feeling kejap eh . huhuhu . ta sangke mak aku tumpang semankukengad kan aku sowang jek . tapi best wok .
MALAM - afta nk dakt pkul laan p kuar makan . makan western food . tuka selere . sedapsedap . ummmm
aduh sedap nyep chicken chop . steak . huuuuuuuu . sambil makan cuci mate .
tngok hot guys .
eh menggedik pulak .
biase laa . u noe me right?/ .
lepak2 sambil makan lihat orang lalu lalang . tbe2 an ku tengok dep laa mak cik niey .
tngah syok makan rase kesian laa kt mak cik tu .
tue2 pon mau menjaja .
aku mne bole tngok mende2 nieh . ^ sensitif^
aku bayangan mak cik tu nenek aku .
ohh tidak !!
mne laa ank2 diep . biarkan makcik tu buad kerje .
ta dep simpati langsung!!
over laa pulak .dah makan umm g downtown pulak
p jalan2 smbil tengok2 kot de yang berkenan
hehehehe .
mase ktowang datang tu awal la jgk so terpakse tunggu jap ktowang lepak2 kt tepi jalan.
dalam kol bape tah blah aa
boring dah . .panas lak *
so kami pon pulanglah ke rumah.
heyy readers that all for my story .
-see u next time
byeeee .
mmmuahhhhhhhh . nyte :))
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
kisah ku .
selamat tengahary sume ..hari ini aku pnye kesempatan mase so dapat laa aku mengupdate blog *tercinta ini .
cewahhh :)
nak story pe ek .
oke lah u ol sume .
topik kte pade ary ini ialah love atau lbey spesifiknye dipangil cinta .
hahaha .
funny laa topik ary niey .
mst korang sume penah bercinta kan ??
tpulah kalau korang kate korang ta penah berkapel kan .
urmm . semue orang menginginkan dirinya dicintai oleh seseorang , but macam mane if cnte korang terputus dtengah jalan .wht u want to do ??
=ape korang buadd ??
weyy2 im just asking . mne laa tau afte dat aku kne macam korangg sume .
but now im SINGLE* oke ?? lagipon nk spm .
i must get at least straight a . chaiyoo !! ohh for my frends IMAN kau tabah tau .
ta mao sdey2 .kau encem pe .cume pompuan tu jewp y ta tau hargai kau .
btol kan ??
penat nyep ckap sorang2 nieyy .
hehehehe .
nah tengok lahh gambar cupcake comel nieyy .
nyummm ..
cewahhh :)
nak story pe ek .
oke lah u ol sume .
topik kte pade ary ini ialah love atau lbey spesifiknye dipangil cinta .
hahaha .
funny laa topik ary niey .
mst korang sume penah bercinta kan ??
tpulah kalau korang kate korang ta penah berkapel kan .
urmm . semue orang menginginkan dirinya dicintai oleh seseorang , but macam mane if cnte korang terputus dtengah jalan .wht u want to do ??
=ape korang buadd ??
weyy2 im just asking . mne laa tau afte dat aku kne macam korangg sume .
but now im SINGLE* oke ?? lagipon nk spm .
i must get at least straight a . chaiyoo !! ohh for my frends IMAN kau tabah tau .
ta mao sdey2 .kau encem pe .cume pompuan tu jewp y ta tau hargai kau .
btol kan ??
penat nyep ckap sorang2 nieyy .
hehehehe .
nah tengok lahh gambar cupcake comel nieyy .
nyummm ..
cupcake ?? weyyh korang nnti mase hari usahawan kat sclaa nnti ktuwang jual cupcake tau . urmm sedap wokk .
datang laa kt gerai ktowang tru pon if korang bole datang . hahaha .
layanan first class . heeeee .
okelahh dah penat da niey . byeee . end of story todayy .
princesss :)
hallo .
salam satu malaysia sume . ngeheehehe .
wah ! lame sudah tidak bkkk blog .
miss my blog .
grr :0))
mao story pada korangg .
semalam aku menjadi gurumuda .
hahahha .
gler funyy ohh .
my student permpuan TAHU .naseb baek student aku pandai bace . selamat laa aku .if tidak jrnuh .
semalam aku aja diep satu kesalahan ejan atu kesalahan mbuhan . mle2 kekok laa .
ta penah2 aja owang ..
hehehe .
best tau dapat tolog diowng .
hee .
actually diowng tu sebenarnyep nk bljar .
sape kte bdk2 macam tu ta mao blajar ?
mmng laa diowng tu agak nakal but diowang ok peh .
so jangan laa pandang rendah kt diowang . program ni buaddd kat lab fzik.
ta jadi kt class coz dep MUET .
sabtu ?sclaa . but aku malas mao pegi .
baek aku tido .
heee .
ponteng suda .
adoi .
rajin pulak ptang niey aku buadd mate .
revsion 2006 paper .
ohh TIDAK !! ta sanggup menghadapi .
salam satu malaysia sume . ngeheehehe .
wah ! lame sudah tidak bkkk blog .
miss my blog .
grr :0))
mao story pada korangg .
semalam aku menjadi gurumuda .
hahahha .
gler funyy ohh .
my student permpuan TAHU .naseb baek student aku pandai bace . selamat laa aku .if tidak jrnuh .
semalam aku aja diep satu kesalahan ejan atu kesalahan mbuhan . mle2 kekok laa .
ta penah2 aja owang ..
hehehe .
best tau dapat tolog diowng .
hee .
actually diowng tu sebenarnyep nk bljar .
sape kte bdk2 macam tu ta mao blajar ?
mmng laa diowng tu agak nakal but diowang ok peh .
so jangan laa pandang rendah kt diowang . program ni buaddd kat lab fzik.
ta jadi kt class coz dep MUET .
sabtu ?sclaa . but aku malas mao pegi .
baek aku tido .
heee .
ponteng suda .
adoi .
rajin pulak ptang niey aku buadd mate .
revsion 2006 paper .
ohh TIDAK !! ta sanggup menghadapi .
Saturday, April 17, 2010
khabar tidak gumbiraa :"(
woit ! woit !hehehe :PP
i bangun awal .
rajin kan ???
heee .
every saturday i akan bangun awal na g PTM .
tahukah anda ape itu PTM ? martin lahh .
sure u ol tahu .
ary niey pegi sorang ewp .
tspi ta peah untuk menuntut ilmu .Cewahhh !!
besfriend i tadep .
hoho .
borink .!!
nasib baek jmpe nanoi blek lah kami besame :DD
abis pkol 9.3o pagi .
u guys nk tau .?? achik spin dah meninggal . macam ta percaye sajewp ... ohh my gosh terkejut i tady .
i doakan semoga roh nyep dicucuri rahmat .AMIN :((
i bangun awal .
rajin kan ???
heee .
every saturday i akan bangun awal na g PTM .
tahukah anda ape itu PTM ? martin lahh .
sure u ol tahu .
ary niey pegi sorang ewp .
tspi ta peah untuk menuntut ilmu .Cewahhh !!
besfriend i tadep .
hoho .
borink .!!
nasib baek jmpe nanoi blek lah kami besame :DD
abis pkol 9.3o pagi .
u guys nk tau .?? achik spin dah meninggal . macam ta percaye sajewp ... ohh my gosh terkejut i tady .
i doakan semoga roh nyep dicucuri rahmat .AMIN :((
Friday, April 16, 2010
heyy :DD
heyy readers ,tengok ini picture :)maaf lambat upload ini picture ,sangad sibuk
poyo jewp kami
akibat kebosanan
Saturday, April 10, 2010
assalamualaikum .weeyh . baik plak dok bg salam . hai niey bosan gler . haa :D dok umah jewp .
cam biase laa . if cuti sabtu ahad aku mesti buadd tahi mate bagi mengumpul lemak dibadan .
mak oii ! lame gler aku tido . tegahary dah tido sejam , ptang lagi . nk dekat 6.30 aku terjage :))))))))))
ape pnye anak dare laa :D well ! tapi nk buadd cam ne . tu lah tabiat aku . membute ! hehehe .
petag gem ajak teman diep g pasar malam , hohoho . ikut jep laa . lagi pon dah lame aku ta jumpe gem . weyh gem kaw dah tembam kaw tau . makan jewp .
ecuk dep seminar . arap2 bet laa nnt .mst banyk school an . yeah . bole lah kami cuci mate melihat ciptaan tuhan .siape lagi kalo bukan boys kachak ;PP
menggatal pulak aku niey .orang nk skor a , diep mahu menggatal . hahahaha .
but its oke . menyelam sambil minum aer . huhuhuhu .result exam arytu terok aa . i only get two A . but not
A plus . aduh !! tapi belum semua dapat lagi . frust nieh !! but im very sure fizik aku mst kantoi .I hate fizik !!! dah laa aku nk tido niey . BYE !
Friday, April 9, 2010
heeeeeee :
heyy .lame gler aku ta bkk blog niey . . first i nak ctep satu story yang agak memalukan . * Alkisahnye macam niey . ary niey aku g tucen at matrin . patutnyep ptng niey aku free .but terpkse ganti class add mate . hohohoh ;P class start around 1.40 . so aku tros g laa . urrm cane ek nk story .;dd ktowang kt kaunter time tu . nak amik bku addmate . dep sowang mamat niey aku usha laa an ta g semayang jumaat kep . yelaa diep sowang yang islam . so aku ckp laa at my frends . then afta dat ktowang kuar nk p seven -E . so tme nk otwy tu . aku cakap laa . 'Weyh budak tadi kan 'smbil aku tengok kt blakang tengok laa kalo diep ade . then myra tros jewp ckap tak pegi sembayang jumaat . kuat beb ! kau ckap . padahal diep kt blakang aku jewp . haa !memalukan . mst laa diep tau tu diep sbb diep jewp yang aku usha n adep kt c2 . haa ! kantoi . then msok class dis budak same class ngun ktowang . Alahai -but maintain cool jewp laa .
`~ moral valuenyep . ckp siang padang2 OKE :dd
`~ moral valuenyep . ckp siang padang2 OKE :dd
Monday, April 5, 2010
Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale.
Today was a fairytale..
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You’ve got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is it’s getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around (Yeah yeah)
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around
I can feel my heart
It’s beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can’t put this down
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale.
Today was a fairytale..
Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark grey t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
You’ve got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is it’s getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around (Yeah yeah)
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you’re around
I can feel my heart
It’s beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can’t put this down
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
A new me :)
hyee. i new here . tengs to my myraa cuz to tell me and explain about da blog .i'll try my best in my writing .i'm bloging just for my self ,and have fun .follow my blog and i'll follow your blog back ;) a lot of people talk blogging is best to express my feelings .hahha .crazy i'm jiwang-ing .
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